Mention professional liability insurance to many people and you’ll often receive confused looks or blank stares. Ask the same people if they are familiar with errors & omissions (E&O) coverage, and you’ll often see recognition in their eyes.
The bottom line: Professional liability coverage helps bridge the liability gap that exists in many commercial insurance packages. Consider the following FAQs.
The solution: Professional liability (errors & omissions) coverage. Honest mistakes happen. Customers may suffer financial injuries. E&O insurance will protect you.
Confused? Contact Chivaroli & Associates Insurance Services in Westlake Village. Chivaroli professionals will clear away the “fog” for you. They’ll explain how to bridge the “liability gap,” and offer affordable solutions custom-designed for your business needs. Call them now for advice you can trust.
Chivaroli and Associates Insurance Services is a full-service brokerage firm specializing in the custom-design and placement of insurance and alternative risk funding solutions for your healthcare organization.